Jovo Hooks

Middleware hooks are the easiest way to extend certain parts of the Jovo Framework. You can see them as a lightweight version of Jovo plugins.


Jovo hooks allow you to hook into the Jovo middleware architecture to extend or modify the framework without having to change its core code. Usually, this is used to hook into the RIDR Lifecycle, but it's also possible to hook into events.

Here are some examples of a hook:

// src/app.ts

import { App, Jovo } from '@jovotech/framework';
// ...

const app = new App({
  /* app config */

app.hook('<middleware>', (jovo: Jovo): void => {
  // ...

// Same hook without types
app.hook('<middleware>', (jovo) => {
  // ...

// Example: Execute code before the dialogue.start middleware
app.hook('before.dialogue.start', (jovo: Jovo): void => {
  // ...

If you compare hooks to plugins, you can see that hooks come with less boilerplate code but also offer less flexibility than plugins. We recommend using hooks for smaller customizations before diving deeper into the Jovo plugin architecture.

Hook Structure

The code snippet from above consists of the following elements:

  • app: Make sure that app is set. We recommend adding hooks to your app configuration files, for example app.ts.
  • <middleware>: This is the middleware this hook should use, for example response.output. Find all middlewares in the RIDR docs. You can also add before and after, e.g. before.response.output.
  • Callback function with jovo: This is where you add the code that should get executed when the middleware triggers the hook.

Here is an example that logs the $output array before it is turned into a native platform response:

// src/app.ts

import { App, Jovo } from '@jovotech/framework';
// ...

const app = new App({
  /* app config */

app.hook('before.response.output', (jovo: Jovo): void => {

// Same hook without types
app.hook('before.response.output', (jovo) => {

Learn more in the sections below:

Async Hooks

Hooks can also be async, which can relevant for operations like API calls.

app.hook('<middleware>', async (jovo: Jovo): Promise<void> => {
  const response = await someApiCall();
  // ...

Hook Files

You can also store your hook functions in a separate file. Here is an example for sessionCount:

// src/hooks/sessionCountHook.ts

import { Jovo } from '@jovotech/framework';

export const sessionCountHook = (jovo: Jovo): void => {
  if (jovo.$session.isNew) {
    jovo.$ = (jovo.$ || 0) + 1;

In your app.ts file, you can import and use the hook like this:

// src/app.ts

import { App } from '@jovotech/framework';
import { sessionCountHook } from './hooks/sessionCount';
// ...

const app = new App({
  /* app config */

app.hook('before.response.output', sessionCountHook);

Example Hooks

New Session

This hook gets executed for every new session before a handler gets called. This can be useful for making API calls or cleaning up some data. See sessionCount for an additional example.

// src/app.ts

import { App, Jovo } from '@jovotech/framework';
// ...

const app = new App({
  /* app config */

app.hook('before.dialogue.start', (jovo: Jovo): void => {
  if (jovo.$session.isNew) {
    // ...

// Same hook without types
app.hook('before.dialogue.start', (jovo) => {
  if (jovo.$session.isNew) {
    // ...

This hook can also be async, which can relevant for operations like API calls.

app.hook('before.dialogue.start', async (jovo: Jovo): Promise<void> => {
  if (jovo.$session.isNew) {
    const response = await someApiCall();
    // ...

If you're used to working with Jovo v3: This hook can be used as a replacement of the NEW_SESSION handler.


This hook stores a sessionCount variable in the user database:

// src/app.ts

import { App, Jovo } from '@jovotech/framework';
// ...

const app = new App({
  /* app config */

app.hook('before.dialogue.start', (jovo: Jovo): void => {
  if (jovo.$session.isNew) {
    jovo.$ = (jovo.$ || 0) + 1;

// Same hook without types
app.hook('before.dialogue.start', (jovo) => {
  if (jovo.$session.isNew) {
    jovo.$ = (jovo.$ || 0) + 1;

New User

This hook gets executed for new users before a handler gets called. This can be useful for making API calls or adding some boilerplate data.

// src/app.ts

import { App, Jovo } from '@jovotech/framework';
// ...

const app = new App({
  /* app config */

app.hook('before.dialogue.start', (jovo: Jovo): void => {
  if (jovo.$user.isNew) {
    // ...

// Same hook without types
app.hook('before.dialogue.start', (jovo) => {
  if (jovo.$user.isNew) {
    // ...

This hook can also be async, which can relevant for operations like API calls.

app.hook('before.dialogue.start', async (jovo: Jovo): Promise<void> => {
  if (jovo.$user.isNew) {
    const response = await someApiCall();
    // ...

If you're used to working with Jovo v3: This hook can be used as a replacement of the NEW_USER handler.