Slack Plugin

Send error messages and other notifications from your Jovo app to Slack.


This plugin allows you to automatically log errors and other notifications to a Slack channel. This way, you can make sure that you know when something breaks in your Jovo app.

Learn more how to set it up in the installation and configuration sections.


You can install the plugin like this:

$ npm install @jovotech/plugin-slack

Add it as plugin to any app configuration stage you like, e.g.

import { SlackPlugin } from '@jovotech/plugin-slack';
// ...

  plugins: [
    new SlackPlugin({
      webhookUrl: '<your-webhook-url>',
      channel: '<your-channel>',
    // ...

The two configurations in the snippet above need to be added for the plugin to work. Learn more in the configuration section.


The following configurations can be added:

new SlackPlugin({
  webhookUrl: '',
  channel: '',
  logErrors: true,
  fields: {
    locale: false,
    platform: true,
    state: false,
    userId: false,
  customBlocks: /* ... */;
  transformError: /* ... */;
  • webhookUrl: Your Slack webhook URL.
  • channel: The Slack channel that should be used for the logging.
  • logErrors: Determines whether errors should be logged automatically. If not, you can use manual messages.
  • fields: Shows all fields that should be logged along the error messages.
  • customBlocks: This offers the ability to add custom blocks (fields) to your error messages.
  • transformError: Completely customize the error messages.


The customBlocks property allows you to add additional blocks to the output of your error logs. Learn more about blocks in the official Slack docs.

Here is an example which will display the request object:

new SlackPlugin({
  customBlocks: (jovo) => [
      type: 'section',
      text: {
        type: 'mrkdwn',
        text: `*Request*:\n\`\`\`${JSON.stringify(jovo.$request, undefined, 2)}\`\`\``,
  // ...


It is possible to completely customize the message that is created on error by passing transformError in the config.

Here's an example that will only display a header and the error message:

new SlackPlugin({
  transformError: (error: Error, jovo?: Jovo) => {
    return {
      blocks: [
          type: 'header',
          text: {
            type: 'plain_text',
            text: 'An error occurred!',
          type: 'section',
          text: {
            type: 'mrkdwn',
            text: `*Error message*\n${error.message}`,
  // ...

Send Messages Manually

In addition to the automatic error notifications, you can also send messages manually using these methods in your handlers:

this.$slack.sendError(error: Error, jovo?: Jovo)

this.$slack.sendMessage(message: string | IncomingWebhookSendArguments)

The IncomingWebhookSendArguments are from the official Slack SDK.